Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So yesterday, on my morning commute to work I had a pretty underserving encounter with a lady that kind of looked like this:

Or actually, more like this:

And yes, that is the hunchback of Notre Dame.
So I walk onto the crowded F train yesterday morning and stand in front of these 2 ladies that show striking similarities to the images above. I open up my AM New York and one of them says to me:
"Do you mind? That newspaper is right in our faces."
She went right on talking to her friend as I put the newspaper down. I kept debating in my mind whether I should say something back. Finally I turned to her and said:
"You know, you could've asked me more nicely and I would've put the paper down just the same."
To which she replied:
"Well maybe YOU need to learn some manners and know not to open that paper in front of our faces."
To which I replied:
"Do you TAKE this train everyday? It's crowded, this is just how it is."
To which she replied:
To which I SHOULD have replied:
"You need to stop being a bitter old lady. It's not helping the 5 bajillion wrinkles on your crusty forehead."
Instead I rolled my eyes and walked off the train.

UGH. If a city is to be judged by its people then New York has really sucked lately.


1dorislee said...

I would like to put her in a ring with the crazy crack lady and have a UFC Deathmatch and see who wins.

Michael & May said...

oh man they are rude rude ladies. well you did open your newspaper in their faces and they have probably been taking that train since you were 3. Hopefully you will not have to run into them again...