Thursday, January 31, 2008

Stomp the Yard

This is my favorite movie of 2007. It had all the elements of a good film - action, drama, comedy, romance, and the added bonus of STOMPING THE YARD. IF you have not seen this film you have to see it. For those who HAVE seen it, apparently there is a female-version of the movie called "How She Move."

Last night I saw the movie "Definitely, Maybe" - May and Michael, you must watch this, it's a good one - stars Abigail Breslin from Little Miss Sunshine.

Finally, a picture from my failed snowboarding trip to VT last week. The picture is deceiving because I look so happy but had quite a horrible time. At least I got to rock my $29 Burton jacket.

Peace & love.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


My heart is pounding right now because I am so flustered....the executive producer for Flight of the Conchords (Stu Smiley) just stopped by my desk and introduced himself. He saw my FOTC posters in my office and we started oh man...i bet you he's gonna ask me to play Bret's girlfriend in the next season...i can just see it life is about to CHANGE, PEOPLE!

A visual: I am in love with the guy on the left (note: would take guy on right as well if it were between him and about 90% of the guys i meet; but guy on left preferred - nothing against guy on right if they read this blog):

total hotness.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Birthday Shout Out

A Special Bday post for my BFF back in Chi-city. Doesn't she just look SO happy to be my friend?
She looks much happier with Doris...


This was taken at May's bridal shower, where thousands of guests showed up to help celebrate her big day.
She even let me go on her honeymoon with her. Now that's a true friend.

And, to bring back old memories....May, remember when you, Michael and I wrote this poem together? Good times...

Now this is story all about how
Michael, May and Michelle began to allow
Their words to be heard so just sit right there
We'll tell you about 3 asian kids not from Bel-Air.
In West side of Naperville born and raised
3 funny looking asian kids spent most of their days
Chillin out max and readin' the bible all cool
We definitely were the dorks of all of our schools
When Michael was young he thought that he could
Be the baddest asian kid in the neighborhood
But he got cut from the basketball team and then got scared
And instead asked Michelle out
And thought she would care
So he took her to a dance
And they even held hands
But then May told Michelle to break up with the man
Now it's January 2004
Michael got another chance to finally score
You're probably wondering what happened to him after that day
You guessed it--that's right, he'd dating May!


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Illini visit NYC & Chi City

So last weekend i agreed to host 3 old friends from U of I for 3 was exhausting, and i'm not sure why i agreed to do it but it turned out to be a great time. We did some jamming at my place with some help from my baby Taylor...

Saw Wicked on Broadway.

New Years Eve at my place for a bit.

Watched the Illini get annihilated in the Rose Bowl.

Chicago for Christmas was fun....I think Michael and I did the Soulja boy dance for at least a solid hour....we are so easily amused. I think that's why I love my Chicago friends so much.

It was also my brothers birthday. Here is me with the cake I made him.

Peace and love.