Saturday, January 5, 2008

Illini visit NYC & Chi City

So last weekend i agreed to host 3 old friends from U of I for 3 was exhausting, and i'm not sure why i agreed to do it but it turned out to be a great time. We did some jamming at my place with some help from my baby Taylor...

Saw Wicked on Broadway.

New Years Eve at my place for a bit.

Watched the Illini get annihilated in the Rose Bowl.

Chicago for Christmas was fun....I think Michael and I did the Soulja boy dance for at least a solid hour....we are so easily amused. I think that's why I love my Chicago friends so much.

It was also my brothers birthday. Here is me with the cake I made him.

Peace and love.


Michael & May said...

the last picture...

the boy on the right is pretty cute...the boy on the left on his knees is not so much...

Michelle said...

um....u got the left and right mixed up...which totally ruins the sad attempt at a joke. loser.

1dorislee said...

Well, look at this...someone is finally posting again. I was about to move you both down the list. Mich...nice pictures. looked like you had a fun time...I am so envious that you got to see Wicked...I so want to go. Maybe one of these weekends I will wait in line for the lottery! Miss you.